Through internships at the Northwest Film Center and Koerner Camera Systems, I have developed my profile as a media professional while delving into the intricacies of both analog and digital cinema cameras. I am proficient in assembling, cleaning, teching, and operating digital large format cameras such as the ARRI Mini, LF, and Super 35. I learned a lot about configuring motors, monitors, and teradeks, employing microforces, follow focuses, fiz kits, and other cinema accessories. This past year I also worked at the Koerner Lens Summit where I was able to preview and learn the specs of different and brand-new cinema lenses, and learn about all the many lens rehousing services that produce an elevated and sophisticated visual product for narrative, commercial, and documentary filmmaking.

Over my time in college I've learned other essential skills for marketing and publishing by using graphic design programs such as those in the Adobe Suite to create newsletters and other deliverables. Some projects I've done include the 35th issue of the Pointed Circle at Portland Community College, art exhibition showcards and formatted newsletters sent out over Mailchimp for the Paragon Arts Gallery. I've also worked on creative projects with incarcerated youth at Donald E. Long-- a prison for kids in Northeast Portland, which required extensive consideration and coordination with the Multnomah County department of Juvenile Justice. The zine I created is called "For Us, By Us, About Us," and is published at the downtown Portland Multnomah County Library location.

During my time at Portland State I have been a McNair Scholar, a Flaherty Fellow, and the selected intern for Koerner Camera Systems. I've worked extensively with sourcing archival videos for creative projects, and writing papers which include archival materials or interrogate the role of the archive in the availability if knowledge and the consequences of that. I'm hoping to work for a few years and go to school for a Masters in audiovisual archive and preservation.

You can check out my reel here. You can contact me here.